The Sign By-law regulates signs in the Township of Clearview. All signs require a sign permit. A sign needs a building permit when it is over 7.5 m in height; overhanging signs over 115 kg in weight; and, signs with a sign area of over 10 m2, or as per the requirements of the Ontario Building Code.
Sign Permit Application Building Permits
Sign Variances
Alterations to the Sign By-law that are minor in nature may be considered by the Committee of Adjustment for a variance.
To apply for a Sign Variance, please send a completed application form to along with drawings of the proposed sign and payment of the Sign Variance fee as defined in the Fees and Charges By-law. To pay the fee, please drop a cheque off at the office at 217 Gideon Street, Stayner.
Sign By-law Amendments
Alterations to the Sign By-law that are not minor may be considered by Council for amendment to the By-law.
To apply for a Sign By-law Amendment, please send a completed application form to along with drawings of the proposed sign and payment of the Sign By-law Amendment fee as defined in the Fees and Charges By-law. To pay the fee, please drop a cheque off at the office at 217 Gideon Street, Stayner.