The Township of Clearview Official Plan is a 20-year vision document for how the Township will grow and develop. The Official Plan contains all of the Township’s growth and development goals and objectives. It also sets out land use designations for lands within the municipality, such as residential, commercial, and industrial designations. These categories establish permitted uses and other criteria for development proposed within each land use. The vision set out in the Official Plan is implemented through the Zoning By-law.
All planning staff opinions and decisions made by Township Council must conform with the Official Plan.
For more information on Official Plans as land use planning tools, please visit the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Citizens’ Guides to Official Plans.
Clearview has a new Official Plan. Site-specific sections of the new Official Plan are under appeal. To learn more please visit our Official Plan Review webpage
The Township of Clearview Official Plan Text and Map Schedules can be downloaded using the following links:
2024 Official Plan Text2024 Official Plan Schedules
Amending the Official Plan
There are times when it is necessary to amend the Official Plan to facilitate development that is not already envisioned in 20-year planning horizon. If you would like to investigate an Official Plan Amendment, we invite you to initiate the pre-consultation process with us. Through this process, staff will review your proposal relative to Provincial and upper-tier policy, and determine what plans and studies would be required to form part of a complete application.
To request a pre-consultation for a Official Plan Amendment application please submit the Pre-consultation Form to the Community Services Department along with the applicable fee.
Complete the Pre-Consultation Request Form
The Township of Clearview has a a Pre-submission and Completeness By-law, which outlines the pre-submission requirements for Planning Act applications. Pre-consultation is required for Official Plan Amendment applications.
Pre-Submission and Completeness By-law
Making Formal Application
If you have completed the pre-consultation process with us, the Official Plan Amendment form must be completed and submitted along with the applicable fee and all necessary supporting materials. More information on how to submit a complete application can be found in the Clearview Development Application Guideline.