Stayner Water Supply at Capacity New Building Permits on Hold
The Township of Clearview is excited to have received $35 million of Housing-Enabling Water Systems funding from the Province of Ontario. This will help fund the construction of the Klondike Park Road Well Site, Reservoir and Pumping Station and bring additional water capacity to the Stayner Settlement area. The existing water system remains at capacity and new building permits on hold until the water infrastructure is constructed. For project updates including projected timelines please visit our Klondike Park Road Well Site webpage.
The Building Department is responsible for ensuring that construction and renovation projects in the Township are safe and adhere to municipal zoning by-laws, the Ontario Building Code and any applicable health and safety regulations.
Please refer to the following sections for detailed information.
Building Permits
A building permit is a formal written approval from the Township of Clearview to construct, add on to, or renovate an existing building on your property.
There are many instances that require an individual to obtain a building permit. It is necessary to apply for a building permit when you plan on:
- Constructing a New Building
- Renovating an Existing Building
- Constructing or Excavating a Foundation
- Installing or Replacing a Septic System
- Installing a Heating, Plumbing, or Air Conditioning System.
- Demolishing a Building
- Building a Deck
Once you have submitted a building permit application to the Township, it will be reviewed to determine compliance with the Building Code Act. Your application will also be reviewed to ensure that it complies with the Zoning By-Law and any other applicable requirements.
Apply for a Building Permit Online
Building permit applications can be submitted online when it is convenient for you using Clearview's CityView portal. To use the portal you will be required to create an account.
Building Permit Processing Time
Typically, the Building Department is able to process completed applications within 10 business days. However, processing time can vary according to:
- Season (the spring is usually a very busy period with numerous applications);
- The number and complexity of other applications/requirements;
- Submission of a complete application;
- Submission of fees/development charges.
Please contact Building Department if you are unsure of the necessary process required for your building project. Building permit guides are available to guide you through the steps that need to be followed. It may be the case that other municipal approvals are also required.
Common additional approvals that may be required are:
- Zoning By-Law Amendment (this process takes a minimum of 3 months)
- Minor Variance (this process takes a minimum of 2 months)
- Site Plan Approval (this process may take several months or more depending on complexity of the application)
- Application for Water/Sewer Service and Water Meter
- Entrance Permit
- Lot Grading & Drainage Policy
- Architectural Control Policy for Infill Lots (Note: Some subdivisions have their own Architectural Control Document)
If your proposal is subject to an existing site plan or subdivision/condominium agreement, you may also be required to provide information to demonstrate compliance with those requirements.
Building Permit Fees
To view building permit fees, please click on the following button: