Thank you for your request to initiate the general pre-consultation process with the Community Planning Department. This request form has been provided to you as a first step in the compulsory pre-consultation process, and provides you with the space to outline all the information relating to your development proposal. This form must be completed if you are pursuing development that will require any of the following types of Planning Act applications:
- Official Plan Amendment
- Applications Zoning By-law
- Amendment Applications
- Draft Plan Subdivision/Condominium Applications
- Site Plan Approval Applications
Based on the information provided in this form, Planning Staff will provide you with a Pre-Consultation Checklist that will outline those items (plans and studies) that are required to initiate a formal application. Any comments produced by the Community Planning Department as a result of the information provided in this form are preliminary and are not to be taken as an opinion of Planning Staff or a decision of any kind. Participating in the pre-consultation process does not authorize the initiation of any construction or preparatory work on site, including the clearing of trees or vegetation or any site alteration. Please refer to the Development Application Guideline for complete information on pre-consultation.
Along with this completed form, a $1,000.00 fee for a minor pre-consultation application (no more than one Planning Act Application anticipated) or a $2,000 fee for a major pre-consultation application (more than one Planning Act Application anticipated) and a $2,000.00 deposit must be submitted by cheque and all submissions must include [a] two (2) hard copy drawings (at least 11”x17”) and [b] a digital (PDF) copy of concept plans. Other supporting drawings such as elevations and floor plans are beneficial. Plans must show in metric the following:
- Dimension of property (frontage/area) and delineation of lot lines
- Location of existing and proposed buildings/structures
- Setbacks from existing and proposed buildings/structures to adjacent lot lines, wells, septic systems, and other buildings/structures on the property
- Location and setbacks from any features on the property including natural features (stream courses, slopes, wetlands, forests), man-made features (utility lines, railways, easements, roads), and agricultural features (barns, silos, manure storage, paddocks)
- Size and height of existing and proposed buildings/structures